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child dedication




At Restoration House, we encourage parents to publicly dedicate their children to the Lord.



Child dedication is a ceremony that can have rich meaning and significance. In dedicating a child, parents are acknowledging their child as a gift from God (Psalm 127:3-5). Parents are also publicly declaring their intention to raise their child in such a way that he or she is given an opportunity to know God and to establish a personal relationship with Christ (Deuteronomy 6:4-9Ephesians 6:4). Finally, by dedicating their child, parents are affirming their total dependence upon the Lord (John 15:5), and are asking family, friends, and the church community to prayerfully support and hold them accountable to these commitments (Hebrews 10:24-25).   


Dedicating a child does not impart salvation to the child. Salvation is the free gift of God given to someone who turns from their sin by faith and trusts in Jesus Christ as their Saviour and Lord.  


Child dedication is also not baptism. Baptism is for believers – those who have already by faith trusted in Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of their sins – to publicly identify themselves with the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ through the symbolic act of being immersed in water.




At Restoration House, we include child dedications in our Sunday morning service at various times throughout the ministry year. This allows us as a church family to truly express our gratitude to God for the blessing of these children and our desire to see them experience Him through faith in Jesus.
During this service you will be asked these three questions:

  1.  Is it your intention to raise your child in the ways of Jesus Christ?

  2.  Are you willing to be held accountable by the Overseers of this church and this church family?

  3.  Do you recognize that you can do none of this apart from Jesus Christ with complete dependence on Him?



Child dedications are open to parents and families who regularly attend Restoration House. When you register for a dedication service, you will need to fill in both parents’ testimonies, as well as select a verse for your child that will be read in the service. If you need assistance selecting a verse, please let us know. We also ask for a photo of the child or family that can be displayed during the dedication service. Parents will also be asked to meet in advance with the Pastor conducting the dedication service.





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